Friday, October 12, 2007

Automatic Logon - Windows NT / 2000 / XP

Ok, this is something that always come around once in awhile and each time it does I forget how to do it. So gonna post it so that I can check it up quickly. Basically whenever a computer reboots it'll automatically logon when it reaches to the logon screen. Simple.

To enable this function you will need to add some new values to the Registry. As always before working on the Registry make a quick backup just in case. Never hurts.

Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
  1. Add/Change new string value to "Default User Name" and set it to the desired username
  2. Add/Change new string value to "DefaultPassword" and set it to the password of the desired username
  3. Add/Change new string value to "DefaultDomainName" and set it to the domain that the username resides in
  4. Change the string value of "AutoAdminLogon" to "1" for enable automatical logon or "0" to disable it


  1. For Windows 2000, "ForceAutoLogon" must be enabled to stop settings from being reset after reboot.
  2. Password is viewable by anyone who has access to the Registry
  3. Bypass auto login by holding down SHIFT during logon process
  4. Automatic logon will not function properly if "DontDisplayLastUserName" is enabled

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