To enable this function you will need to add some new values to the Registry. As always before working on the Registry make a quick backup just in case. Never hurts.
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
- Add/Change new string value to "Default User Name" and set it to the desired username
- Add/Change new string value to "DefaultPassword" and set it to the password of the desired username
- Add/Change new string value to "DefaultDomainName" and set it to the domain that the username resides in
- Change the string value of "AutoAdminLogon" to "1" for enable automatical logon or "0" to disable it
- For Windows 2000, "ForceAutoLogon" must be enabled to stop settings from being reset after reboot.
- Password is viewable by anyone who has access to the Registry
- Bypass auto login by holding down SHIFT during logon process
- Automatic logon will not function properly if "DontDisplayLastUserName" is enabled